Survey Says

Group 3
Hip Hop Culture Tallied Results out of 50 Surveyed
This survey was conducted on the North Miami campus of Johnson and Wales University. A total of 50 students were surveyed 12 questions on general theme about hip hop as a culture. The questions were statements which asked the students if they agreed, disagreed or remained neutral. The questions that had to do with hip hop only being recognized as a music genre as well as hip hop only being taught to high school and college students, most students disagreed with. Based on those results, it seemed as if Hip Hop should not be thought of as music alone and that hip hop culture should be taught to anyone of any age. The questions that discussed hip hop culture’s impact on the world, including cultural appropriation, genders, sexual orientation and the black community, most students agreed or strongly agreed with. Based on the results, it might be okay for races other than those within the black community to be a part of hip hop culture. Also it seems like women and people with in the LGBTQ community should receive more recognition for their hip hop music. Plus hip hop had made somewhat of an impact on the world and in their lives personally. The remaining survey asked questions of hip hop in the consumer market, hip hop in school curriculum and profane language in hip hop music. The topics are of which the result was neutral.  

  1. Hip hop culture has a significant influence on the world currently?
Strongly Agree 22
Agree 22
Neutral 6
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0
  1. When many people think of hip hop, they think of the music only?
Strongly Agree 12
Agree 12
Neutral 12
Disagree 13
Strongly Disagree 1
  1. Hip hop culutre has a major impact on the Black Community and other races do not share the same appreciation for hip hop?
Strongly Agree 14
Agree 13
Neutral 8
Disagree 14
Strongly Disagree 1
  1. The only way to describe hip hop culture is through its music genre?
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 5
Neutral 9
Disagree 25
Strongly Disagree 7
  1. Female rap/hip hop artists do not receive as much respect as male artists for their music?
Strongly Agree 9
Agree 20
Neutral 7
Disagree 6
Strongly Disagree 8
  1. More LGBTQ (Gay,Lesbian,Transgender) rap/hip hop artists should be regarded amongst hip hop culture?
Strongly Agree 10
Agree 18
Neutral 16
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 4
  1. It’s okay for rap/hip hop artists to use profanity in their lyrics?
Strongly Agree 11
Agree 16
Neutral 16
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 3
  1. It’s okay for races other than Black or African American to wear hip hop inspired fashion or hairstyles?
Strongly Agree 20
Agree 17
Neutral 6
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 3
  1. Companies should use more hip hop culture in their media and advertising to generate more sales and increase their platforms?
Strongly Agree 9
Agree 14
Neutral 18
Disagree 9
Strongly Disagree 0
  1. Hip hop culture classes should only be taught to high school and college students?
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 9
Neutral 12
Disagree 15
Strongly Disagree 10
  1. More hip hop culture classes should be incorporated in all school curriculums?
Strongly Agree 13
Agree 15
Neutral 16
Disagree 6
Strongly Disagree 0
  1. I have been heavily influenced by hip hop culture?
Strongly Agree 12
Agree 12
Neutral 14
Disagree 7
Strongly Disagree 5

What is highlighted is based on the majority response for that question. Each question's response totals 50.
